Join the kick-off prayer seminar:
Occupy Rotterdam Gateway to Europe!
Study & apostolic intercession
In June 2024, my wife and I walked through the streets of Rotterdam and experienced the presence of God. As we continued our way in prayer, God showed us that Rotterdam is the gateway to Europe.
If God’s people do not spiritually occupy Rotterdam, it will block the path to Europe for perhaps the most important movement of God on this dark continent.
In recent months, God spoke several times: “Occupy the city!”
When the Lord asked for a strategy, a few points emerged.
Prayer and street work such as intercession on the street, praise & worship, dancing on the street, sharing the Word, praying for those seeking help. Demonstrating God’s power on the street.
God wants to reveal Himself to the residents of Rotterdam and wants to establish justice and righteousness in this beautiful city. He wants so much to give them His love and grace.
That is why we have planned a first meeting on Saturday, February 22. At this meeting, David will teach about apostolic intercession (a subject of his Bible school).
After the teaching we will pray with a humble heart (apostolic and prophetic) for Rotterdam, the Gateway to Europe. We humble ourselves and ask God to wash the city with His water. A starting point from the Water Tower.
If you are not so familiar with apostolic and prophetic prayer, you can also do that in your own way. It is important that we are one in heart with regard to establishing God’s desire in Rotterdam.
Jesus is the King of Rotterdam and no one, no man or power deserves that place.
He is the Creator of Rotterdam and has a reason why He has built this city.
Do you also have a desire to translate God’s heart to Rotterdam?
You can read our Dutch article in Revive here.
Join us and register now!
We would love to see you in the Water Tower in Rotterdam on February 22 and start at 09:30 till 16:30hr.
Adress: Watertorenweg 180, Rotterdam.
Follow-up meetings will be announced later.